Prentice’s Social Studies curriculum for grades 1 - 5 explores a curriculum aligned with the Common Core Standards. Students complete many project-based assignments, role playing activities, and  discussions to show their understanding of the standards. Students learn about their community, citizenship and their local regions.  They also study California, economics, and early American history and colonization.

Grades 6 - 8 are students also engage in group projects, class discussions, debates, and project-based assessments to show understanding of the standards. Students study geography, ancient civilizations and American History.  This is also a time to practice note-taking, study skills, organization, self-advocacy, and application of assistive technology.

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The Prentice School - History

During the year...

Grade level specific events and projects in Social Studies and History throughout the school year

Walk Through

4th Grade Social Studies

Walk Through
The American Revolution

5th Grade Social Studies

Walk Through
The Ancient World

6th Grade History

Minecraft: Education

Used Throughout Prentice's Social Studies and History curriculum.

Washington, D.C. Trip

This parent-supported trip is offered to 8th graders.