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Sabrina Clark
Assistant Head of School

Prentice is designed for students who learn differently

By utilizing a multi-sensory teaching approach as our core instructional methodology we are able to teach your student in the way they learn.  Our program strategies are applied in small groups, whole class, and school-wide learning. This helps students generalize their skills across classrooms and attain social skills. Because it's not limited to a specific curriculum, these techniques can serve an individual for a lifetime.

How is Prentice Different?

Take a detailed look into our program

Frequent Questions About Our Program

What is a language-based learning disability?

Language-based learning disability refers to difficulties related to the understanding and use of spoken and written language.  Individuals with these disabilities require instruction that is explicit, structured and multi-sensory. 

What types of learning disorders does a typical Prentice student have?

While there are many types of learning disorders, The Prentice School typically enrolls students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing disorder and visual processing disorder.  Our students have deficits in working memory, processing speed and executive function.  Many have attention processing disorders.

Does Prentice teach Common Core?

Prentice’s innovative multi-sensory program is common core aligned.  Students learn the same topics and concepts as peers in traditional educational environments.

Do Prentice students switch classes?

Yes.  Students frequently break into leveled small groups of 4-8  peers.  To assist with focused learning, small groups may be in alternate rooms or locations.  All students go to science in our enrichment center, as well as PE.

What is the maximum number of students in each class?

In all grade levels 12 is the maximum number of students allowed in each class. In our elementary program, many of our subjects including Orton-Gillingham Structured Literacy, Math and Writing are small group structured.

How is your junior high structured?

Our junior high is structured in leveled groups of 12 students that attend their classes together throughout the day. 

Does Prentice have a uniform?

Yes.  All students must wear the approved uniform and logo-wear.  Students may wear Prentice spirit shirts on Fridays and on their PE days.

How long is a school day?

All students attend Prentice from 8:10am - 3:00pm (M, T, W, F) and 8:10am - 2:00pm (Th).

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