The Prentice School follows all CDC, CDPH and OCHCA COVID-19 guidelines with goal of protecting the health of our administration, faculty and students.


COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

What is Prentice's COVID-19 "Symptom Free" policy?

The Prentice School is a "symptom free" school.  We require that your student be free of any COVID-19 symptoms for 24 hours without any fever medication.

What is the Safe at Prentice Plan?

The Prentice School is mandated to comply with The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Center For Disease Controls (CDC) guidelines, protocols, and recommendations. The Prentice School has implemented safety guidelines and precautions in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus and within the Prentice community.

By implementing these practices, we can hopefully accomplish our goals of:

  • Creating a safe learning environment for our students and staff while on campus
  • Keeping students and staff on campus for the duration of the school year

All current and new families are required to digitally sign an acknowledgment in their student's enrollment or reenrollment packet that they understand and will follow the Safe at Prentice Plan guidelines.

To review the Safe at Prentice Plan, last updated on March 14, 2022, please click here.

Does Prentice require students to be masked?

The Prentice School follows all CDC, CDPH and OCHCA COVID-19 guidelines. 

On March 12, 2022, students masking became recommended but optional.

What cleaning / disinfecting policies does Prentice have in place for its classrooms?

The Prentice School follows vigorous cleaning and disinfection policies for its classrooms and campus.

  • All students must wash their hands upon entry into the classroom
  • All students must wear masks inside the classroom
  • Classrooms are equipped with a portable air filtration unit
  • Classroom heating and cooling units have been upgraded with HEPA filtration systems
  • All student desks and common areas are cleaned with disinfectant several times per day
  • All classrooms are disinfected after hours by Prentice's facilities team.
What do I do if my student has a COVID-19 symptom?

Please keep your student home and contact Prentice's Health Office at (714) 786-3600 for additional guidance.

What do I do if my student has tested positive for COVID-19?

If your student has tested positive for COVID-19, please complete the notification form at the link below.


If the student tests positive for Covid-19 (symptomatic or asymptomatic), the student can return to campus under the following conditions:

  • At least 5 days have passed since symptoms onset (Day 1 is the first day after the onset of symptoms)
  • At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication
  • Other symptoms have resolved
  • An FDA approved/authorized Covid-19 antigen test is negative on or after Day 5 from symptom onset (test results must be shared with Prentice Health Clerk at
  • If the student does not or cannot test, the student can return after a 10-day isolation period.
My student is fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and has been exposed, what is the current policy?

If your student has been exposed to an individual that has tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with an individual under investigation of having COVID-19, please complete the notification form at the link below.


If the student has been exposed to Covid-19 and is fully vaccinated, the student can return to campus under the following conditions:

  • Student has not developed symptoms since initial exposure
  • The student has a negative FDA approved/authorized antigen test (lab or home and results are shared with Prentice health clerk) on Day 5 since initial exposure.
  • Student wears a mask both indoors and outdoors for 10 days after initial exposure.
  • Monitor symptoms through Day 14
  • This scenario ONLY applies if both students are wearing a mask in the indoor setting during the exposure.

Revised January 3, 2022

My student is not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated (less than 2 weeks since second dose) and has been exposed, what is the current policy?

If your student has been exposed to an individual that has tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with an individual under investigation of having COVID-19, please complete the notification form at the link below.


If the student has been exposed to Covid-19 and is not fully vaccinated, the student can return to campus under the following conditions:

  • Student has not developed symptoms since initial exposure
  • The student has a negative FDA approved/authorized antigen test (lab or home and results are shared with Prentice health clerk) on Day 5 since initial exposure.
  • Student wears a mask both indoors and outdoors for 10 days after initial exposure.
  • If the exposed student is unable to test or chooses not to test, s/he shall quarantine for 10 days after most recent exposure to COVID-19
  • Monitor symptoms through Day 14
  • This scenario ONLY applies if both students are wearing a mask in the indoor setting during the exposure.
I received a COVID-19 Exposure Notification from Prentice for my student. What do I do?

If you receive a notice from The Prentice School that your child has been exposed to COVID-19, please monitor them for any symptoms.

If they do develop symptoms, please immediately inform the school if your child develops symptoms by contacting Prentice's Health Office at (714) 786-3600.

Please do not send your child to school if symptoms develop.

We are taking our Prentice student out of the state or country. What is the current travel advisory?
Fully Vaccinated Students and Employees (must provide proof of vaccine)

Domestic Travel:
- No quarantine or Covid-19 testing required to return to school.
- Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days.

International Travel: 
- Get tested with a viral test 3 - 5 days after your travels and share negative test result with Prentice Health Office.
- Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days.

Unvaccinated Students and Employees

Domestic Travel:
- Get tested with a viral test 3 - 5 days after your travels and share negative test result with Prentice Health Office.
- Wear a mask both indoors and outdoors at school for 7 days.
- Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days.

International Travel:
- Get tested with a viral test 3 - 5 days after your travels and share negative test result with Prentice Health Office.
- Wear a mask both indoors and outdoors at school for 7 days.
- Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days.

International Travel to Destination on CDC’s High Risk or Very High Risk List
- Get tested with a viral test 3 - 5 days after your travels and share negative test result with Prentice Health Office.
- Quarantine for 7 days after travel.
- Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days.
Does The Prentice School require students to be vaccinated for COVID-19?

There currently is no requirement for students to be vaccinated for COVID-19.

The Prentice School, as with all public and private schools in the state of California, must follow the California School Immunization Law.

Under these statutes, children in California are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools, child care centers, family day care homes, nursery schools, day nurseries, and developmental centers (pre-kindergarten facilities). Schools, and pre-kindergarten facilities are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports to local health care agencies and the CDPH.

For more information about California Immunization Laws or updates to regulations and exemptions, please click here.

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